substantive (även: actual, concrete, effective, full-blooded, genuine, intrinsic, proper, serious, substantial, tangible)


If substantive changes are made to the company health plan, many employees will seek healthcare options outside of work. 🔊 The divorce proceedings will not end until Ted and Ann come to terms on the substantive matter of child support. 🔊 At next week’s meeting, the city council will vote on a substantive issue affecting the entire town

Listen to the audio pronunciation of Schwedisch Substantiv Übersicht on pronouncekiwi Here's a list of translations. Swedish Translation. materiella. More Swedish words for substantive. verklig adjective. real, actual, true, factual, regular. substantiv noun.

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real, actual, true, factual, regular. substantiv noun. Many translated example sentences containing "substantive law" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations. Depending on itself; independent. used like a noun substantive.

Substantive. 1 a | Das Geschlecht der Substantive b | Unbestimmter und bestimmter Artikel Singular c | Die Pluralbildung d | Zusammenfassung: Artikelgebrauch 

Der Genitiv · 4. Beugung von Adjektiven · 5.

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Schwedisch substantive

2020 Schwedisch I: Üben in Eigenregie. På svenska > Schwedisch I Hausaufgaben WS 20/21, S. 1 Substantive im Singular und Plural. 1. 2. 3.

Schwedisch substantive

Look through examples of substantivens translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
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Schwedische Substantive werden zuerst nach Geschlecht, Anzahl und Bestimmtheit gebeugt.
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Schule From the English "school" Nf Nomen, weiblich, femininum: Substantive des weiblichen Geschlechts ("Frau", "Vorlesung"). (cuerpo estudiantil) alumnado nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.

Genitiv. des. en rad - flera rader (=Reihe) en doktor - flera doktorer (=Doktor) Einige wenige Utra sind unregelmäßig und erfahren im Plural eine Lautverschiebung: a wird zu ä, o wird zu ö und ä wird zu å.

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Adjektive haben im Schwedischen drei Formen. Beugung von Substantiven · 3. Der Genitiv · 4. Beugung von Adjektiven · 5. Vergleich von Adjektiven · 6.

Swedish is descended from Old Norse.Compared to its progenitor, Swedish grammar is much less characterized by inflection.Modern Swedish has two genders and no longer conjugates verbs based on person or number. Its nouns have lost the morphological distinction between nominative and accusative cases that denoted grammatical subject and object in Old Norse in favor of marking by word order. 1.6 SWEDISH SUBSTANTIVE LAW AVAILABLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES 1.6.1 All key Swedish commercial legislation has been translated and is available in English. Fundamental Swedish commercial legislation is also available in Russian and Chinese on the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce’s (SCC) website. - 6 - Close.