As an instrument company, sales is a major driver of growth for Fluicell.The year that passed brought many challenges for advancing sales but was also a year where Fluicell greatly expanded its presence on important markets and where the company increased its revenues by 88 per cent despite the pandemic.
Fluicell is one of the manufacturers of fluid platforms for multifunctional pipettes. Recent News & Activity. Details. Industries. Biotechnology · Health Care.
Lifescience-dagen i Göteborg 4 mars, arrangeras av Mats Ekberg och nyhetsbyrån Finwire.FluiCell, Victoire Viannay.Glöm inte att besöka hemsidan BioStock: Fluicell launches Biozone 6 (Cision) 2021-03-18 08:40 This week, the company launched its latest product, Biozone 6, a new concept within the field that brings versatility to high-resolution single-cell pharmacology applications. Fluicell är ett svenskt bolag i life science-sektorn som säljer och utvecklar instrument för bioprinting, läkemedelscreening och farmakologi. Bolaget utveckl Fluicell, Mölndal. 54 likes.
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Nasdaq First North GM Sweden (SE). News; Instruments & Events; People; Company Details. Top. News. BioStock: Fluicell launches Biozone 6. Fluicell · Order Depth Real time 15 min delayed · Trades Real time 15 min delayed · Indexes · Company News · Warrantlist · Options & futures Fluicell offentliggör delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2020. Fluicell AB (publ) ("Fluicell" eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör härmed This news release was distributed by Company News System, digital nyhets- och analystjänst som fokuserar på den skandinaviska life science-sektorn.
Fluicell har gått starkt den senaste tiden, under Q1 blir det produktlansering. Alligator startar fas 2-studie med förhoppning om “robusta
Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid Fluicell recently announced that its first Biopixlar unit has been sold to the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, thus taking the first big step into the bioprinting market.
20 timmar sedan · Fluicell är ett Göteborgsbaserat bolag som har kommersialiserat en produktportfölj för att bearbeta och studera enskilda celler inom framför allt läkemedelsutveckling. Fluicells befintliga produkter är forskningsinstrumenten BioPen®,Dynaflow® Resolve och Biozone 6™ som ger forskare möjlighet att studera, bearbeta och mäta läkemedelseffekter i enskilda celler på en unik detaljnivå.
We deliver easy-to-use solutions for your research needs in single-cell biology, electrophysiology, single-cell bioprinting and tissue modelling. Fluicell AB, a pioneering high-tech company in single-cell biology, is extremely delighted to announce the issuance of US Patent No 9,6719,671,366, entitled “Pipettes, methods of use, and methods of stimulating an object of interest”, by the USPTO. Fluicell AB (publ) (STO:FLUI) Insiders Increased Their Holdings We often see insiders buying up shares in companies that perform well over the long term.
Fluicell, Mölndal.
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97 likes · 1 talking about this. Founded in 2012, Fluicell is a public biotech company providing platforms to investigate cell behavior like never before. Fluicell develops and Fluicell specializes in developing microtechnology for life science market.
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FLUICELL AB : News, information and stories for FLUICELL AB | Nasdaq Stockholm: | Nasdaq Stockholm
The webinar was organized in collaboration with the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society and S Lifescience-dagen i Göteborg 4 mars, arrangeras av Mats Ekberg och nyhetsbyrån Finwire.FluiCell, Victoire Viannay.Glöm inte att besöka hemsidan Fluicell, Mölndal. 97 likes · 1 talking about this. Founded in 2012, Fluicell is a public biotech company providing platforms to investigate cell behavior like never before. Fluicell develops and Fluicell specializes in developing microtechnology for life science market.
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Fluicell recently announced that its first Biopixlar unit has been sold to the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, thus taking the first big step into the bioprinting market. The sale coincides with the start of a new collaboration between Fluicell and the university, which has agreed to …
The sale coincides with the start of a new collaboration between Fluicell and the university, which has agreed to act as a demo site for Biopixlar.