Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway - sight map, attraction information, photo and list of walking tours containing this attraction. Get offline map and directions 


Vägbeskrivning till Kon-Tiki Museet Oslo med kollektivtrafik. Följande transitlinjer har rutter som passerar nära Kon-Tiki Museet. Buss: 30; Tåg: 

Operahuset i Oslo. Oslo. Fram museet på Bygdøy. Kon Tiki museet på  2014-nov-16 - Denna pin hittades av Sofie Gustavsson. Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. Köp online KON-TIKI MUSEET OSLO (440950369) • Övriga medaljer • Avslutad 8 feb 11:25. Skick: Begagnad ✓ Fri Frakt ✓ • Tradera.com.

Kon tiki museet

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Open every day. 137. 3. Gerd Vold, Kon-Tiki's godmother. 52. Kon-Tiki Museet ønsker TV-aksjonen 2018 lykke til! 91.

3 Apr 2019 Thousands of artefacts in the collection of Norway's Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo are to be repatriated to Easter Island, after an agreement was 

… I tidningen Länk: Kon-Tiki Museet i Oslo Jag har inte  liten men viktig del i Kon-Tiki-expeditionen På Kontikimuseet i Oslo visas en efterkrigsvariant av “Gibson Girl”, BC-778, som uppges vara den  1000 år senare. Kon-Tiki, balsaflotten, skulle byggas… genom tiderna. Balsaflotten finns också att se på Kon-Tikimuseet på Bygdoy i Oslo.

Book your Kon-Tiki Museum tickets online and skip-the-line! Save time and money with our best price guarantee make the most of your visit to Oslo!

Kon tiki museet

It was originally opened in 1949 and 1957 in the current facility.

Kon tiki museet

The museum presents the breadth of Heyerdahl’s life’s work, from his first trip to Fatu Hiva, to the voyages with the Kon-Tiki, the Ra, the Ra II and the Tigris, as well as the expeditions to the Galàpagos Islands, Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and Tùcume in Peru The Kon-Tiki Museum is located on the Bygdøy Peninsula in Oslo.
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Knut Haugland's lecture on the Kon-Tiki Expedition », red, 16.7x6.6 cm. Kon-Tiki-museet (marknadsfört som Kon-Tiki Museet) är ett museum över Kon-Tikiexpeditionen och över andra expeditioner som letts av Thor Heyerdahl. Hitta perfekta Kon Tiki Museum bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images.

The exhibition of the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo shows the history of the expeditions of the well-known traveler and ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl. Here you can  The Kon-Tiki museum houses the Kon-Tiki balsa wood raft used by the adventurer Thor Herydhal in 1947 to sail from Peru to Polynesia and prove to the world the  The Kon-Tiki Museum is a must-see monument to the achievements of one of the most famous explorers and sailors to ever have lived. Free entry with Oslo  Med god hjelp av Halfdan Tangen jr., markedsjef ved Kon-Tiki museet, har hotellet laget en utstilling, som forteller historien om den eventyrlige ferden over  Imagine the perils faced by ancient seafarers when you explore this museum, dedicated to the work of the intrepid explorer Thor Heyerdahl.
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Thor Heyerdahl jr om Hvalhaien på Kon-Tiki Museet mars 2009. Mistie Sinclair. Follow. 6 years ago|38

Fram museet på Bygdøy. Kon Tiki museet på  2014-nov-16 - Denna pin hittades av Sofie Gustavsson. Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. Köp online KON-TIKI MUSEET OSLO (440950369) • Övriga medaljer • Avslutad 8 feb 11:25.

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"Kon-Tiki" var en viktig händelse i vår historia, påpekar peruansk historiker. Kon-Tiki-museet belyser inte heller vem som faktiskt byggde den 

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world 42 reviews of Kon-Tiki museet "As one of those who was amazed on their childhood, reading about Thor Heyerdals trip from Peru to the Tuamato islands in Polynesia in 1947, this museum was on my 'must see' list in Oslo. Heyerdals purpose of this voyage was to prove Heyerdal's theory of ancient immigration from South-America to Polynesia. Within museum you can find pictures and things about their 2021-03-09 Go behind the scenes of the Kon-Tiki Museum with c urator Reidar Solsvik as he shows us some of its prized objects, including the raft made famous by Thor Heyerdahl, one of history’s most famous explorers. In 1947, Thor crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsa wood raft Kon-Tiki and captured this extraordinary accomplishment on film, whic h received an Academy Award for Best Documentary The Kon-Tiki Museum, Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway. 8,601 likes · 64 talking about this · 24,616 were here. Closed due to Corona-restrictions.