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Department of Economics E-Mail: johannes.haushofer@ne.su.se Stockholm University Phone: +46 73 8466 854 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Website: haushofer.ne.su.se Education 2011–14 HARVARD UNIVERSITY/MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Prize Fellow in Economics. Advisors: Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee 2012 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH
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Email: john.hassler@iies.su.se Personal web. John Hassler is Professor of Economics at IIES. Five most cited works (Google Scholar): Optimal Taxes on Fossil Fuel in General Equilibrium, Econometrica, 82:1, 2014 (with Mikhail Golosov, Per Krusell and Aleh Tsyvinski). Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Protein Chemistry, Neurochemistry or Sustainable Chemistry- the choice is yours. The Chemistry Section offers four unique and advanced Master's programmes with a strong connection to the ongoing research.
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