LIHEAP CRISIS - PA. For customers in Pennsylvania, there is a CRISIS option under LIHEAP. Households experiencing a heating crisis may be eligible for 


My COMPASS Account is a secure, central location for your application and benefit information. With your My COMPASS Account, you can: Apply for benefits; Renew your benefits; Check the status of your application; Upload documentation for your application or case; View your benefit information, such as benefit amount and renewal date

Must meet income eligibility. Income eligibility. Households will have to meet income criteria to receive cash aid through LIHEAP … Apply online at: Request an application by calling the Statewide LIHEAP Hotline at 1-866-857-7095 or call PA Relay at 711 for the hearing impaired. Below is contact information for local County Assistance Offices and other organizations: Berks County Assistance Office - … Apply online at:; Request an application by calling the Statewide LIHEAP Hotline at 1-866-857-7095 or call PA Relay at 711 for the hearing impaired.

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The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services offers state of the art technology with the introduction of PROMISe™/LIHEAP, a new claims processing and management information system. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of health and safety problems (such as illness, fire, or eviction). The Pennsylvania LIHEAP program may be able to offer you one or more of the following types of assistance: The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) announced the start of the annual Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) application process for the 2020-21 season. LIHEAP assists with home heating bills so low-income Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for renters and homeowners. Apply online at: WWW.COMPASS.STATE.PA.US/ Call the LIHEAP Hotline at 1-866-857-7095 to request an application.

Allentown, PA 18102. Get Directions; Phone (610) 821-6509; Phone (610) 821- 6702 Application for benefits; Phone (866) 857-7095 LIHEAP Hotline; Web Go to  

The amount of the benefit is determined based on income, the area where you live, type of fuel used, and the household size. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services offers state of the art technology with the introduction of PROMISe™/LIHEAP, a new claims processing and management information system.

28 May 2020 The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services is holding a briefing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Recovery Crisis apply online for these programs at any time at or 

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Blair CAO - LIHEAP 1100 Green Avenue Altoona PA 16601-3440. Bradford CAO - LIHEAP 1 Elizabeth Street, Suite 4 P.O. Box 398 Towanda PA 18848. Bucks CAO - LIHEAP 1214 Veterans Highway Bristol PA 19007-2512. Butler CAO - LIHEAP 108 Woody Drive Butler PA 16001. Cambria CAO - LIHEAP 625 Main Street Johnstown PA 15901. Cameron About LIHEAP and Eligibility Information Benefit Amount Table LIHEAP Brochure - English LIHEAP Online Application through COMPASS LIHEAP PDF Application - English.

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Child support Go to www. and enroll on your MyCOMPASS Account. • We can start your  The LIHEAP applications are available at, as well as at the County Assistance Office. County Assistance Office addresses and   Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. If I receive LIHEAP, will a lien be place on my home? How many times can I receive LIHEAP benefits during the  1 Nov 2019 Households that receive a postcard can apply through COMPASS as soon as mailing is received and cash grants will be issued early, any time  1 Mar 2021 “I encourage everyone receiving benefits in PA to download the app and explore the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and Clients should use COMPASS or the myCOMPASS PA mobile app to  have a heating emergency LIHEAP. May Be Able.
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"Direct pay" will display "Yes" if the payment has been sent directly to the household. Otherwise it will display "No" and the "Vendor Name" will show the vendor where the LIHEAP grant has been sent.

LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of health and safety problems (such as illness, fire, or eviction). The Pennsylvania LIHEAP program may be able to offer you one or more of the following types of assistance: Bill payment assistance.
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If you were mailed a postcard or application for the 2020-2021 season, you may apply for LIHEAP using the COMPASS registration number which was mailed to you. Below, enter the COMPASS registration number and the Social Security Number for the payment name from last year's LIHEAP Cash grant.

Pennsylvanians can apply for LIHEAP and other public assistance programs online at Those who prefer to submit paper applications can print from the website or request an application by phone at 1-800-692-7462 and mail it to their local County Assistance Office (CAO) or place it in a CAO’s secure drop box, if available. If you were mailed a postcard or application for the 2020-2021 season, you may apply for LIHEAP using the COMPASS registration number which was mailed to you. Below, enter the COMPASS registration number and the Social Security Number for the payment name from last year's LIHEAP Cash grant. LIHEAP Application Instructions.

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COMPASS is Pennsylvania's fast and easy way to apply for health and human Planning Services, SNAP, LIHEAP, Cash Assistance, Long Term. Care, and 

• Applications are available at your local CAO. To apply, you will need • Names of people in your household • Dates of birth for all household members LIHEAP Vendor Website The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services offers state of the art technology with the introduction of PROMISe™/LIHEAP, a new claims processing and management information system. Apply online at List the people who live with you at this address. Include all children and adults. Include related roomers. Include all unrelated roomers who share household expenses. Do not include anyone in jail/prison.