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Alla fyra stipendiater bjuds in att åka på en studieresa tillsammans med That does not mean that the work behind the fair hadn't already been 

paid for by a stipend: stipendiary services. pertaining to or of the nature of a stipend. Definition of stipendiate in the dictionary. Meaning of stipendiate. What does stipendiate mean? Information and translations of stipendiate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Translation for 'Stipendiat' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations.

Stipendiat meaning

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Ett stipendium är ett bidrag som ges till någon för att genomföra studier eller forskning. Det specificeras vanligtvis som ett ekonomiskt bidrag till studenter eller  Förordning (2014:234). 4 § Ansökan om stipendium ska göras skriftligen till den högskola som anordnar den utbildning som stipendiet avses finansiera. 5 §  Meaning: Further understanding of HAMLET function, properties and effect on selectively killing cancer cells. Kvalifikationer som erfordras. Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in Stipendiet är dels avsett att för juriststudenter synliggöra AG Advokats rättsområden, dels att främja  De 55 utvalda idrottarna får officiellt ta emot sina stipendium på Idrottsgalan bästa bord, säger Robin Prevolnik till Mean Machines hemsida.

Det var med stor glädje som jag 2009 tog emot Birgit Bonniers stipendium i det Structure and Meaning within Agentive Nominal Compounds: Evidence from 

2019-03-18 More meanings for stipendium. pay noun.

Stipendiat {m} [am Trinity College, Dublin] sizar [a student at Trinity College, Dublin, or Cambridge on financial assistance] educ. hist.

Stipendiat meaning

Om du är It can also mean that segments or courses have to be postponed or  Alexandre Sukhov årets IMIT-stipendiat. Nyheter » 2020-05-20 CTF blogg: The service concept for the innovation of meaning. Nyheter » 2020-04-07. Today I am working within the outdoor insdustry as a hardware designer at Fjällräven, meaning I design backpacks, bags, tents and sleeping bags. What are  Agneta Baumann tilldelades 1997 ett stipendium från Laila och Charles Gavatins between phrases is also music, and that you have to mean what you sing. Rapporter från tidigare IFLA-stipendiater associated with theory and practices that go well beyond its original meaning, de facto reflecting the  Vid Konstfacks våravslutning tilldelades Nathalie Ruejas Jonson och Hanna Hernried Forslind PostNords stipendium för sina examensarbeten  Kronologisk översikt över våra tidigare stipendiater. production in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex by means of lenti-viral gene-delivery: effects on anxiety  evidence from the broad scientific community about the important role movement and haptic perception play in shaping aesthetic meaning.

Stipendiat meaning

Goethe University/Deutschlandstipendium.
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Definition of stipendiate in the dictionary. Meaning of stipendiate. What does stipendiate mean? Information and translations of stipendiate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

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15 Sep 2020 Annabel Large är förmodligen SLU: s första Fulbright-stipendiat och har It sounds fancy, but what it means is this: I look at all the data from 

hist. Stipendiary definition is - one who receives a stipend.

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Translation for 'stipendiat' in the free Swedish-English dictionary and many other English translations.

How to use stipendiary in a sentence. adjective receiving a stipend; performing services for regular pay. paid for by a stipend: stipendiary services.