The 2020 Summer Games Done Quick event, which is running from August 16 to August 23 on GDQ’s Twitch channel, will feature over a dozen speedrunners rushing through a variety of games such as The


4 Jan 2021 AGDQ can be watched live on the official Games Done Quick Twitch channel – this is also the best way to donate while the event is live.

The 2021 Awesome Games Done Quick speed-running event is about to begin. Awesome Games Done Quick is an annual charity event where speed-runners attempt to complete video games in the quickest times possible. Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 runs from January 3 until January 10, and will be broadcast live on Twitch. With COVID-19 making […] Over the years, Summer Games Done Quick has raised over 10.5 million dollars for MSF, having major impact on our life-saving work.” Although speedrunners are a niche community on Twitch, Games Done Quick is a universally celebrated event which draws in viewers from all categories. The official Discord server of Games Done Quick, a charity speedrun marathon organization.

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The next huge thing is Awesome Games Done Quick’s sister event: Summer Games Done Quick, which starts June 22 at 11 AM PDT (2 PM EDT, 7 PM CEST) on Twitch. For seven straight days, speedrunners will blaze through more than 150 games of choice.Both the old and the new are well represented: I Wanna Be The Boshy, Outlast Speed Demos Archive’s annual Summer Games Done Quick charity marathon is currently live on Twitch, gathering some of the best speedrunners in the world for a great cause. Viewers are encouraged to make a donation to the group’s fundraiser, the proceeds of which will go directly to Doctors Without Borders.With their previous marathon raising close to half a million dollars, there’s no Awesome Games Done Quick 2020: Day 1 schedule and runs to watch. It's that time of year again. Awesome Games Done Quick has returned for 2020 and Shacknews is … Summer Games Done Quick starts Sunday, July 2 at 9:30AM PDT (12:30PM EDT, 6:30PM CEST) on Twitch!This week long speedrunning marathon features speedrunners from around the globe blazing through over 130 games to benefit Doctors Without Borders..

GDQ pågår hela veckan fram till söndag och listan över spel är diger. Games Done Quick 2016 är ett event på Twitch där man i år samlar 

series Games Done Quick (GDQ) is a series of charity video game fundraising events featuring high-level gameplay. To date, GDQ has raised over 30 million dollars for charity. Games Done Quick (GDQ) is a series of charity video game fundraising events featuring high-level gameplay. To date, GDQ has raised over 30 million dollars for charity.

Awesome Games Done Quick 2020: Day 1 schedule and runs to watch. It's that time of year again. Awesome Games Done Quick has returned for 2020 and Shacknews is here with today's full schedule and

Twitch games done quick

Här har du hela  Under gårdagskvällen drog det årliga speedrun-maratonet Awesome Games Done Quick igång till mångas stora glädje. Det innebär en hel  Summer Games Done Quick 2015 · gamesdonequick. Denna vecka börjar det årliga Summer Games Done Quick som streamas via Twitch.

Twitch games done quick

Games Done Quick is a semiannual video game speedrun charity marathon held in the United States, originally organized by the Speed Demos Archive and Speedruns Live communities. Since 2015, it has been handled by Games Done Quick, LLC. Held since 2010, the events have raised money for several charities. This is a speedrun of Pokemon Plays Twitch: round 2 by TASbot from Awesome Games Done Quick 2015. The run starts at 13:35.AGDQ2015 raised over $1,500,000 for The next huge thing is Awesome Games Done Quick’s sister event: Summer Games Done Quick, which starts June 22 at 11 AM PDT (2 PM EDT, 7 PM CEST) on Twitch.
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Games Done Quick are a series of charity fundraisers that have raised over 2.7 million dollars for a variety of charitable causes. awesomegamesdonequick - Twitch Skip navigation Gaining exposure on Games Done Quick, as a runner, or commentator, onsite or on Hotfix, can grow your channel out of your usual audience. This can come at the cost of the control of your Twitch chat!

Speedrun. 7:57:55. Video length. Testing Grounds - Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales featuring ChocolateDave.
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Games Done Quick-rekord, Switchs onlineapp och Doomfist till Overwatch Youtube och Twitch svämmar över av folk som jagar sekunder i Mega Man 5 och 

Games Done Quick has teamed up with several charities in its nine-year history, including Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Game Submission Guide; Fleet Fatales Event Info; SGDQ2021 Game Submissions; Community Info . Games Done Quick; Event Photos; Twitch Channel; Twitter; Speedrunning Guides; Guide to Automated Moderation; Speedrunning Communities; Speed Demos Archive; Speed Runs Live;; About Us . Privacy Policy; Jobs at GDQ; Contact Us; Discord; VODS; HOTFIX; Login Register Watch GamesDoneQuick's clip titled "Chat is not a fan of the anti-danSexy girl" GamesDoneQuick went live on Twitch.

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TwitchCon 2018 kommer att bli som de andra åren, med arenan fylld med ivriga fans Games Done Quick: Ett 50-timmars snabbkörningsmaraton som gynnar 

To date, GDQ has raised over 30 million dollars for charity. Games Done Quick are a series of charity fundraisers that have raised over 2.7 million dollars for a variety of charitable causes. awesomegamesdonequick - Twitch Skip navigation Gaining exposure on Games Done Quick, as a runner, or commentator, onsite or on Hotfix, can grow your channel out of your usual audience. This can come at the cost of the control of your Twitch chat! This guide will cover the basics of automated moderation that cuts out noise in your chat and help preserve your personal stream culture. GamesDoneQuick went live on Twitch.