The ear, nose and throat (ENT) and speech and hearing specialists at University of Mississippi Medical Center include nationally recognized physicians and staff. UMMC Ear, Nose and Throat, 764 Lakeland Dr, Jackson, MS (2021)
Dr. Claude F Harbarger is similar to the following 3 Doctors near Jackson, MS Dr. Tammy Sanders Otolaryngology Jackson, MS 0.46 mi 5 (1) Dr. Patrick L Bockenstedt Otolaryngology Jackson, MS 0.00 mi 5 (1) Dr. Issam N Eid Otolaryngology Kansas City, MO 0.00 mi 4
Appointments: (888) 815-2005. Areas of Practice Claude F. Harbarger, MD Pediatric Otolaryngology University of Mississippi Medical Center 2500 N State St Dept of Oto & Communicative Sciences Jackson MS 39216-4500 (601) 984-6885 Dr. Harbarger graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 2009. Dr. Harbarger works in Jackson, MS and 1 other location and specializes in Otolaryngology. Dr. Harbarger is affiliated with University Of Mississippi Medical Center. Dr. Harbarger graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 2009. Dr. Harbarger works in Jackson, MS and 1 other location and specializes in Otolaryngology. Dr. Harbarger is affiliated with University Of Mississippi Medical Center.
Dr. Harbarger graduated from University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 2009. He is licensed to practice by the Dr. Claude F Harbarger is similar to the following 3 Doctors near Jackson, MS Otolaryngology Jackson, MS 0.46 mi 5 (1) There are 40 specialists practicing Ear, Nose, and Throat in Jackson, MS with an overall average rating of 4.4 stars. There are 6 hospitals near Jackson, MS with affiliated Ear, Nose, and Throat specialists, including University of Mississippi Medical Center, Merit Health River Oaks and Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Dr. Thomas L. Eby is a ENT-Otolaryngologist in Jackson, MS. Find Dr. Eby's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Laura Frances Richardson in Mississippi (MS). Whitepages people search is …
Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor. 2500 N State StJacksonMS39216 read more read less. No upcoming View profile.
ENT Pediatrician Dr. Claude Harbarger is one of the UMMC providers performing surgery at Merit Health Madison. Patients are experiencing many benefits
He is affiliated with University of Mississippi Medical Center. Dr. Claude Harbarger, MD is an otolaryngologist in Jackson, Mississippi. Claude Franklin Harbarger MD Otolaryngology (ENT) • Jackson, MS 39216. Phone (601 Claude Harbarger is a provider established in Jackson, Mississippi and his medical specialization is otolaryngology with more than 12 years of experience. He graduated from University Of Mississippi School Of Medicine in 2009.
The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a female. The provider's business location address is: 1297 W GOVERNMENT ST BRANDON, MS ZIP 39042-048 Phone: (601) 200-4790 Fax: (601) 200-4855
Dr. Claude Franklin Harbarger is an otolaryngologist in Jackson, Mississippi.
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There are 40 specialists practicing Ear, Nose, and Throat in Jackson, MS with an overall average rating of 4.4 stars. There are 6 hospitals near Jackson, MS with affiliated Ear, Nose, and Throat specialists, including University of Mississippi Medical Center, Merit …
Dr. Claude Franklin Harbarger specializes in otolaryngology in Jackson, MS and has over 12 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from University Of Mississippi School Of Medicine with his medical degree in 2009.
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Dr Claude Franklin Harbarger, MD is a medicare enrolled "Otolaryngology" physician in Jackson, Mississippi. He went to University Of Mississippi School Of Medicine and graduated in 2009 and has 12 years of diverse experience with area of expertise as Otolaryngology.
MENTSA provides services for ear, nose and throat disorders. This webpage represents 1154559672 NPI record. The 1154559672 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider CLAUDE FRANKLIN HARBARGER M.D., practice location address at 2500 N STATE ST JACKSON, MS, 39216-4500. David Harbarger, DMD, is the Dentist Associate of the Clinton, MS location.
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Dr. Claude F Harbarger, MD is a doctor primarily located in Jackson, MS, with another office in Jackson, MS. They have 12 years of experience. Their specialties include Otolaryngology. Dr. Harbarger has received 1 awards.
3,543 likes · 12 talking about this · 1,454 were here. MENTSA provides services for ear, nose and throat disorders. This webpage represents 1154559672 NPI record. The 1154559672 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider CLAUDE FRANKLIN HARBARGER M.D., practice location address at 2500 N STATE ST JACKSON, MS, 39216-4500. David Harbarger, DMD, is the Dentist Associate of the Clinton, MS location.