for Attosecond Science in Ottawa (Kanada). Im Jahre 2010 erhielt er eine Förderprofessur des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds und ist seither 


Attosecond Nanophysics: From Basic Science to Applications: Hommelhoff, Peter, Kling, Matthias: Books.

June 2019 (2) May 2019 Pushing the frontiers in attosecond quantum mechanics with increasing temporal and spatial resolution and often-limited theoretical models results in unexpected observations. At the same time, attosecond science continues to expand into more complex solid-state and molecular systems, where it starts to have impact beyond its traditional grounds. The motion of electrons on the atomic scale has been hidden from direct experimental access until recently. We review the revolution in technology that opened the door to real-time observation and time-domain control of atomic-scale electron dynamics, and address the expected implications of having the tools to monitor electrons with sub-atomic resolution in both space and time.

Attosecond science

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Each session focuses on one aspect of attosecond science and consists of one keynote lecture in addition to three progress reports from early career researchers. Attosecond science, a recently established research field that is overarching, relating the various traditional subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, material sciences, etc.), holds strong promise to this regard. Regarding the connection of Quantum optics with Attosecond Science, a theoretical quantum optical description of strong-field laser-atom interaction" (Scientific Reports 6, 32821 (2016)) has been developed, followed up by the experimental development of a "Quantum optical XUV spectrometer" (Nature Comm. 8, 15170 (2017)). Quantum Attosecond Science. QUANTUM PICTURE. A strong oscillating laser field can create modulations in the electron wavefunction.

Attosecond science also known as attophysics is a branch of Atomic, molecular, and optical physics wherein attosecond (10 −18 s) duration pulses of electrons or photons are used to probe dynamic processes in matter with unprecedented time resolution.

Typically, the sample under investigation is excited by a "pump" laser pulse, and following a time delay, is interrogated by a second "probe" pulse. In this context, the joint focus issue on attosecond technology(/ies) and science of JPhys Photonics and JPhys B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in attosecond science, from the point of view of the technologies that are required, as well as the basic science involved in the generation, and applications of attosecond pulses. Attosecond Science Itatani, Jiro; Niikura, Hiromichi; Corkum, Paul B. Abstract. All aspects of attosecond technology rely on electron wavepackets formed by ionization and controlled by strong laser fields.

Attosecond pulses represent a novel light source, which was characterized for the first time in 2001. The challenge now Popular science description. Attofysik 

Attosecond science

Attosecond science works somewhat like sonar or 3-D laser mapping, but at a much smaller scale. When an attosecond light pulse passes through a material, the interaction with electrons in the We develop advanced attosecond technologies to investigate the light-activated dynamics of matter with extreme time resolution. In particular, the main goal of our research is to track and ideally control the electronic motion in systems of increasing complexity, from simple molecules to biochemically relevant molecules and nanoparticles. @article{osti_1647605, title = {Attosecond science based on high harmonic generation from gases and solids}, author = {Li, Jie and Lu, Jian and Chew, Andrew and Han, Seunghwoi and Li, Jialin and Wu, Yi and Wang, He and Ghimire, Shambhu and Chang, Zenghu}, abstractNote = {Recent progress in high power ultrafast short-wave and mid-wave infrared lasers has enabled gas-phase high harmonic 2 Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology, CREOL and Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 32816, USA. 3 School of Optoelectronics, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China.

Attosecond science

2021-03-25T16:00:00 2021-03-25T17:00:00 Attosecond Science Event Information: An electron that multiphoton ionizes is immediately subject to the light's electric field that will control its short-term future. This control enables a gas of atoms to produce intense VUV or soft X-ray beams. Since we can precisely control the infrared beam, we can synthesize attosecond soft X-ray pulses - pulses that are the shortest controlled events ever systematically produced. Quantum Attosecond Science. QUANTUM PICTURE. A strong oscillating laser field can create modulations in the electron wavefunction. The wavepacket can expand over ~10-100 hydrogen-atom sizes away from the parent ion.
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Attosecond science The motion of electrons on the atomic scale has been hidden from direct experimental access until recently. We review the revolution in technology that opened the door to real-time observation and time-domain control of atomic-scale electron dynamics, and address the expected implications of 2019-01-21 · Likewise, the realm of attosecond science [6, 7] emerged when the attosecond (1 as =10 −18 s) time scale was reached by chirped-pulse amplification and high-harmonic generation (HHG) .

CERN Accelerating science A case study for terahertz-assisted single attosecond pulse generation - Balogh, Emeric et al - arXiv:1402.3120. Starta en  which form the basis of today's successful field of attosecond science.” Det vill säga, för hennes banbrytande bidrag, både experimentellt och  Products for attosecond science.
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Attosecond Science Attosecond Science. Event Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 2021-03-25T16

xuv Since the inception of the laser, more than 50 years ago, the generation of coherent x-ray light has been amongst the prime  Strong Field Physics/Attosecond Science Group on the physics of the generation and characterization of intense XUV attosecond radiation pulses, exploited in  ICFO Schools on the Frontiers of Light. Attosecond science and extreme photonics. 8-10 July 2019, Barcelona  Attosecond Science on the East Coast University of Central Florida, Argenti Theoretical Attosecond Science Group.

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Attosecond science works somewhat like sonar or 3-D laser mapping, but at a much smaller scale. When an attosecond light pulse passes through a material, the interaction with electrons in the

For context, an attosecond is to a second what a second is to about 31.71 billion years. The word "attosecond" is formed by the prefix atto and the unit second. Atto-was derived from the Danish word for eighteen (atten). Its symbol is as. 2016-02-22 · Advances in attosecond science 1.