Husqvarna Vapenfabrik ≈20 000 m/96 och ≈88 000 m/38 (1942–1944). Varianter, m/96(B), m/38, m/38(B), m/41, m/41(B), Karbin m/94. Specifikationer.


Husqvarna Vapenfabrik ≈20 000 m/96 och ≈88 000 m/38 (1942–1944). Varianter, m/96(B), m/38, m/38(B), m/41, m/41(B), Karbin m/94. Specifikationer.

Only the best and most accurate were considered and converted. The "B" stamped on the scope means it went through the update later to become the M41b. The m/1941 sniper rifles were m/1896 rifles of all three manufacturers, in 1941–1943 selected from the existing stock for accuracy and converted by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori into sniper rifles. This auction is for an exceptional Swedish Mauser M41b Sniper Rifle in truly excellent condition. The rifle has a matching receiver and bolt but small parts such as the barrel bands, buttplate and trigger housing are not, which was common with these rifles as they were converted to sniper configuration.

M41b sniper

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Which is correct. 4x. Most of the M41B snipers in this country were brought in as surplus and had undergone an arsenal refinishing post war. Your example from the pictures looks to have escaped the process or has seen very hard use since. You might have scored a diamond in the rough. The Swedes were extremely meticulous on the care of even weapons kept in storage. This is a Swedish m41b sniper. Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! The main British sniper rifle of World War 

The Scope is the imported German AJACK 4x90 early WW2 type. (and not the post war sniper M41B) The scope mounts also early WW2 versions are both serial numbered and do not match themselves or the rifle.

I picked this Swedish M/41B sniper rifle a while back after seeing them consistently win Vintage Match after Vintage Match. The rifle is a 1916 Carl Gustafs mounted in a beech wood stock and handguard. Matching scope mount with an Ajack 4x90 scope mounted, the scope is Swedish crown proofed, serial numbered 2134 and dated 1942.

M41b sniper

Includes 3 mounting screws, 2 pins, drill/tap kit, as well as 4 steel 1 inch inserts so that 1 inch scope can be installed. This one got the nod. I bought an Accumount repro scope mount and sent it to a trusted gunsmith. He is fairly busy and it took some months for him to complete the job.

M41b sniper

Video That May Interest You This new sniper rifle was designated the M/41 In the years of 1941-1943, about 5,300 1896 rifles were specially selected for their accuracy to be converted into sniper rifles. The rifle was initially equipped with the German 4×42 AJACK scope and mount which were readily available at the time. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Swedish M41B Ex Sniper by Carl Gustaf, 6.5x55, 5 Rd Bolt Action, Drilled and Tapped for Mount, Adjustable Sights, Various Surplus Condition. By Carl Gustaf Werks. We have dropped the price to close out the rest of them. Swedish M41B Ex Sniper Rifles ClassicFirearms.
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Gm/96, CG63, CG80. Review(s): 0.

This one got the nod. I bought an Accumount repro scope mount and sent it to a trusted gunsmith. He is fairly busy and it took some months for him to complete the job.
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2016-04-18 · According to Garry, the Swedish Model 41B Mauser may well have been the best sniper rifle of its era. If you're going to be neutral, it's wise to have a damned good military capability. There's probably nothing harder to do than keep others from forcing you to take their side, and only through the threat of force of arms can you keep the warring factions at bay.

I bought an Accumount repro scope mount and sent it to a trusted gunsmith. He is fairly busy and it took some months for him to complete the job.

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Sniper riflesling lock with hook. Gm/96, CG63, CG80. Review(s): 0. Price €3.77. Add to cart. More. In stock. Gevärsrem Ak5, beg. Quick view. Reference: 

Die deutlichsten Unterschiede zum m/41 der schwedischen Armee sind die fehlende Schaftplakette, sowie die eher tropfenförmigen Griffmulden am Schaft vor dem Zielfernrohr. Shooter grade Swedish M41B snipers. Just showcasing them, I believe video footage is always better than pictures personally.PREVIEW DAY IS MONDAY MAY 29TH - I picked this Swedish M/41B sniper rifle a while back after seeing them consistently win Vintage Match after Vintage Match. The rifle is a 1916 Carl Gustafs mounted in a beech wood stock and handguard.