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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue is a digitised catalogue presenting meta-data and scanned facsimile of the manuscripts in the Düben collection, a large and important collection of musical manuscripts and prints from the 17th and early 18th centuries. UPPSALA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Electronic Publishing Centre Box 510, 751 20 Uppsala | Tel. +46-18-471 39 00 | Fax +46-18-471 39 98 Updated: 2006-10-25 | epc(at)ub.uu.se | e6f0248 Add prebuilt ub-uiautomator.jar built from revision uiautomator@1695449 by John Budorick · 6 years ago 8818669 Initial empty repository by Vadim Shtayura · 6 years ago More » {"@context":"https:\/\/omeka.ub.uu.se\/api-context","@id":"https:\/\/omeka.ub.uu.se\/api\/media\/2720","@type":"o:Media","o:id":2720,"o:is_public":true,"o:owner Resource Booker The UU Journal Browser is now available for Utrecht researchers.

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FIGMA - UI / UX LOYIHALAhNING MAZMUNI O'QITIhNI O'RGANING Xabarlar oni: 40LOYIHABetellerXolib Kington tomonidan yaratilganIngliz tiliEnglih ub  Jönsson Beda. Norrköping. 1904. UB 164. Persson (f Johansdotter) Josefina UI 734.
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UB 416-6 S. Garo UB 416-6 S Uttag blockerad Garo UI 416-6 S+RU/UIF Uttag basic. Vägguttag Garo UB 216-6 S Vägguttag 3-polig, 16A, blockerad.

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UPPSALA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Electronic Publishing Centre Box 510, 751 20 Uppsala | Tel. +46-18-471 39 00 | Fax +46-18-471 39 98 Updated: 2006-10-25 | epc(at)ub.uu.se |
