Immunicum AB is a biopharmaceutical company. It develops immune therapies against a range of solid tumors. The company's lead product, ilixadencel, has
Her previous board assignments include chairman of Immunicum AB (publ), Health Solutions AB, BioResonator Good Eye AB and Holdings: 39,718 shares .
Its product pipeline includes INTUVAX, SUBCUVAX, and CD70. The company was founded by Bengt Anders Köp aktier i Immunicum - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Shares.
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Immunicum is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm under the ticker IMMU. Tweets by @Immunicum. Tweets by Immunicum. Press Releases. Welcome to Immunicum's Investor Relations pages!
Resultatet per aktie uppgick till -0:57 kronor (-0:26). Rörelseintäkterna var 0,0 miljoner kronor (0,0). Ingen utdelning föreslås för helåret 2020.
72 055 738. 43.36%.
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Immunicum AB (publ) inleder forskningssamarbete med Icahn School of Medicine vid Mount Get the latest Immunicum AB (IMMU) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more Innan Transaktionens slutförande förvärvade Van Herk minoritetsaktieägarnas aktier i DCPrime BV. Minoritetsaktieägarna har delvis fått betalt i Pressmeddelande 12 april 2021 Immunicum AB (publ) offentliggör årsredovisning för 2020 Immunicum AB meddelar idag att årsredovisningen Owners, Shares, % of votes and capital 5, Loggen Invest AB, 3 100 000, 1.87%. 6, Holger Blomstrand Byggnads AB, 2 975 386, 1.79%. 7, Swedbank Funds Stock priImmunicum AB (publ) nan Kouronn swedish tablo nan Mas 2019. Immunicum AB (publ) valè istwa nan Kouronn swedish nan Mas 2019. Stock priImmunicum AB (publ) nan Kouronn swedish tablo nan Avril 2020. Immunicum AB (publ) valè istwa nan Kouronn swedish nan Avril 2020. Få detaljerad information om Immunicum AB (IMMUN) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, Immunicum AB rapporter och mycket mer.
Immunicum AB Annual stock financials by MarketWatch. View the latest IMMU financial statements, income statements and financial ratios. IMMUNICUM AB (PUBL) : News, information and stories for IMMUNICUM AB Stock Trading Strategies. Stock Picks.
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En aktiegrupp (stock group) där vi samlar nyheter och åsikter kring allt som Immunicum AB - Östermalmstorg 5, Stockholm; Immunicum aktie. Immunicum AB (publ) offentliggör prospekt avseende; Immunicum - Teckna aktier inför upptagande till handel på Immunicum aktie; Immunicum Stocks in Play – Immunicum går kräftgång efter — OMX Stockholm PI. 795,62. 0 Köp aktien Immunicum AB (IMMU). Hos Nordnet kan MERECA-arkiv - BioStock Immunicum aktie — De finansiella Immunicum aktie Report from the Annual General Meeting of Immunicum AB (publ) Tagged Immunicum med LifeAssays och Abreos Biosciences » BioStock Studio: Emissionsaktuella Lipigon på väg mot börsen » Stayble Senaste nyheter om - Immunicum, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter. Immunicum komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden Biostock vd immunicum intresset är stort hos investerare.
It develops immune therapies against a range of solid tumors. The company's lead product, ilixadencel, has
IMMUNICUM AB share price in real-time (A1W59F / SE0005003654), charts and analyses, ISIN: SE0005003654 | WKN: A1W59F | Symbol: 1YG | Type: Equity. Immunicum AB (publ) Publishes the Annual Report for 2020 Stockholm Stock Exchange:IMMU.
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Immunicum AB is a Sweden-based company principally engaged in the biopharmaceutical sector. The Company develops immunotherapy for therapeutic treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. The Company uses therapeutic vaccines to treat an already existing disease and is thus given to the already sick patients; therapeutic cancer vaccines administered to patients in order to delay or stop tumor cell growth, shrink
Net sales for the period amounted to KSEK – (-) *. Result for the period amounted to KSEK -47,568 (19,409) *. 2021-03-30 · View the latest Immunicum AB (IMMU) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. Mr. Erik Manting, Ph.D., has been the Chief Executive Officer at Immunicum AB (publ) since March 16, 2021 and served as its Chief Business Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer until March 16, 2021.
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Welcome to Immunicum's Investor Relations pages! Here you can find information which may be of interest to shareholders, analysts and other stakeholders. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact Sijme Zeilemaker, Head of Investor Relations and Communication. Tel: +46 (0)8 732 8400 E-post:
The company's lead product, ilixadencel, has IMMUNICUM AB share price in real-time (A1W59F / SE0005003654), charts and analyses, ISIN: SE0005003654 | WKN: A1W59F | Symbol: 1YG | Type: Equity. Immunicum AB (publ) Publishes the Annual Report for 2020 Stockholm Stock Exchange:IMMU. Date. 4/12/2021 3:11:13 AM. Share on Facebook · Tweet on Latest Immunicum AB (1YG:STU) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more. Immunicum AB - Receives Orphan Drug Designation From EMA SHARES IN IMMUNICUM REPRESENTING 44 PERCENT OF THE SHARES IN IMMUNICUM Immunicum AB (publ) (IMMU.ST). Stockholm - Stockholm Real Time Price.