av E Schliemann · 2013 — 4.1 Forskningskontext: PlanetSide 2. Som plattform för min fallstudie valde jag att använda spelet PlanetSide 2, som Infiltrator eller Assault av någon typ.


PlanetSide 2 TR Infiltrator Guide by Shaggit. Buckle down soldier! We got a lot of **** to cover today! So you want to sit on your **** far from the respective engagements of this war and blow some heads off like Gallagher would a watermelon?!

For the Terran republic, the primary weapon should be the RAMS.50M and the secondary should be either the TX1 Repeater or the T4 Amp, depending on preference. PlanetSide 2 Summary : Across the continents of Auraxis, thousands of players will come together in enormous battles to win control of territory and resources for their empire in PlanetSide 2. Its getting real annoying seeing them decloack, kill, and recloak. They get the most kills in game because they can quickly cloak after a kill. Its crazy how they can carry assault rifles, smg, and other automatic weapons and having the ability to cloak.

Planetside 2 infiltrator

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I am not talking about psarena here, because I know that a invisble shotgunner with a jetpack is definitely unbalanced, and even the sniper part of the infil would be unbalanced since its a large open map with only PlanetSide 2 Infiltrator HD Wallpapers. Download PlanetSide 2 Infiltrator desktop & mobile backgrounds, photos in HD, 4K high quality resolutions from category Games with ID #12074. 2017-01-29 · Planetside 2 Incredible infiltrator shot Watch till the End. Universalliongaming. Follow. 4 years ago | 1 view.

Vi är verkligen nöjda med PlanetSide 2 som en titel, det fungerar verkligen, Vanligtvis skapar jag bara en ny karaktär och spelar inget annat än Infiltrator i flera 

Vanu Sovereignty female infiltrator by Hebime on  Steams gemenskap: PlanetSide 2. When you land on-top of a tree as an infiltrator. av Jirachi · PlanetSide 2 - New Conglomerate Weapons.

The Infiltrator is the only class with access to sniper rifles and cloaking technology. They have the lowest survivability of any class in open combat, but when used to full effect can eliminate soft targets and capture strategic objectives using either the element of surprise or precision shooting.

Planetside 2 infiltrator

Today we\'re going to take a look at Infiltrators and what things you should rank up for this class, both earl. Dec 23, 2012 Trenches - Planetside 2.

Planetside 2 infiltrator

2012 Archives.
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2015-07-20 · Planetside 2: Infiltrator's Handbook - Sniping 101.

I've tried out all  Oct 17, 2017 r▻Whats the BEST sniper rifle in Planetside 2??? Welcome to another Planetside 2 weapons review! Here, I review my FAVORITE sniper rifle  Apr 7, 2016 The Infiltrator is one of the three major support classes in Planetside 2.
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Stalker cloak is the stealthiest cloak in PlanetSide 2. It allows you to get into position and remain undetected until the perfect moment. This makes killing possible and viable even without a primary weapon, and provides invaluable tactical advantages in teamplay setting, helping to keep your squad alive and on point.

They should only be able to use knife, sniper rifle, and a handgun. The battlefield is literally turning into an infiltrator fest.

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PlanetSide 2 TR Infiltrator Guide by Shaggit. Buckle down soldier! We got a lot of **** to cover today! So you want to sit on your **** far from the respective engagements of this war and blow some heads off like Gallagher would a watermelon?!

Its too situational for me and I think you're better of with just longer invisibility times than resistance to bullets for short times. Even though Rebirthing technology has nearly eliminated the concept of fear on Auraxis, the Infiltrator remains one of the few things soldiers still dread. Originally a specialist in the assassination of high-profile political targets, the Infiltrator quickly found a home on the battlefield. Rumor of their presence has become synonymous with unease and paranoia, causing enemy soldiers to perceive even shadows in thei… Infiltrator description, guides, and loadouts on Planetside Guide, the comprehensive Planetside 2 community created guide. The Infiltrator is a class that focuses on stealth and sniping carrying sniper rifles and sub machine guns alike. They have the lowest survivability out of the 6 classes but can hit hard from a distance.